Historical Context: The Reality of Racial Inequality
This is an example of a neighborhood of tenement housings where the Young family may have resided.
This is another image of a tenement housing in the 1960's. The rooms are small, there is little space available for each family, and when doing laundry they must hang their clothes on wires and cables to dry.
Job opportunities for African Americans during this time period were scarce. Chauffeuring was one of the few options available, which is Walter's job in Raisin in the Sun.
This image shows areas of black residence in Chicago. The different shadings represent different time periods. Areas of white residence are left unshaded.
These African Americans carry picket signs and march in protest of lunch counter segregation during the 1960s.
Religion during this time period was greatly involved in the civil rights movement. This is a prayer-protest that was organized in 1963.
More than 1,000 students stage a march in support of anti-segregation in South Carolina.
These students were arrested for protesting segregation in their community.
Lorraine Hansbury: Author of 1961 screenplay "A Raisin in the Sun". Became the youngest American playwright and the only African American to win an award for Best Play of the Year by the NY Drama Critics Circle. When talking about her screenplay, Hansberry told her husband she wanted, "to write a social drama about blacks that was good art. Instead of stereotyped characters that would bear no resemblance to actual people, she invented a situation that was sometimes painfully realistic. The plot revolves around what her characters do given the opportunity to escape their cramped surroundings."